Location : Andheri, Mumbai
Date : Feb, 2020
Date : Feb, 2020
- What are major features coming in swift 5?
- What is scene delegate?
- Application lifecycle.
- ViewController lifecycle
- Difference between objective c and swift
- Why swift is considered as Protocol Oriented language?
- Difference between class and struct.
- What will happened, if I write var strcut2 = strcut1, retain count of strcut1 will be increased or not?
- Difference between coredata and sqlite.
- What is closure?
- What is capture and capture list in closure?
- Higher ordered function of array?
- What is map function in swift?
- What is way to make optional method in swift protocol?
- Tell me about Generics.
- Describe APNS Cycle.
- What is payload size?
- What is happened with push notifications if device has not internet connection?
- Push notification stored in apple system in sequential format or what?
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