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Showing posts with label Closure. Show all posts

Write a program to define closure which accepts string and return integer.

 Write a closure that accepts string and return length of string(which is integer) :

let simpleClosure:(String) -> (Int) = { name in 

    return name.count


let result = simpleClosure("Hello World")


What is trailing closure?

 If the last parameter to a function is a closure, Swift lets you use special syntax called trailing closure syntax. Rather than pass in your closure as a parameter, you pass it directly after the function inside braces.

To demonstrate this, here’s our travel() function again. It accepts an action closure so that it can be run between two print() calls:

func travel(action: () -> Void) {

    print("I'm getting ready to go.")


    print("I arrived!")


Because its last parameter is a closure, we can call travel() using trailing closure syntax like this:

travel() {

    print("I'm driving in my car")


In fact, because there aren’t any other parameters, we can eliminate the parentheses entirely:

travel {

    print("I'm driving in my car")


Trailing closure syntax is extremely common in Swift, so it’s worth getting used to.

What is capture and capture list in closure?

Ans :

According to apple document :

Closures are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be passed around and used in your code. Closures in Swift are similar to blocks in C and Objective-C and to lambdas in other programming languages. 

Closures can capture and store references to any constants and variables from the context in which they are defined. This is known as closing over those constants and variables. Swift handles all of the memory management of capturing for you.

Closure is reference type

Capturelist is used to stop memory leakage.

Code for Example of memory leakage :

class Increment {
    var number = 0

     deinit {
    lazy var incrementNumber: (Int) -> () = { value in
        self.number += value

 do {
  let increment = Increment()


This will cause memory leak, the closure refers back to the object itself, it refers to self in order to increment the number, and that will create a reference cycle:

We have an object and the object has a stored property that refers to a closure.
That closure refers back to self (means Increment instance)

In above example, deinit should be called. But it never due to retain cycle created.

To Stop memory leakage we use capture list :

1. [unowned self]
2. [weak self]
3. [strong self] - Default


lazy var incrementNumber: (Int) -> () = { [unowned self] value in
        self.number += value

If I use [unowned self] there here less chance to crash. But if we use
let increment = Increment().incrementNumber(3)
then there will be more chance to be crashed. We can not immediately call incrementNumber method after object instantiated. Because when the stored property has returned, the object (increment instance) can be deallocated, nothing else is referring to it.


 let’s change [unowned self] to [weak self], that means that everywhere that self is accessed, we treat it as a weak property. While using weak, we should use optional self? to access property.

When the stored property has returned, if the object be deallocated, mean self is nil, then the number will not be incremented. This code will make it easy to handle if self is nil

So when no clue to what to use, we should use [weak self] as capture list.

What is closure? Why we use closure instead of function sometime?

Ans : 

The two most used cases are completion blocks and higher order functions in Swift. 

Completion blocks: for example, when you have some time consuming task, you want to be notified when that task is finished. You can use closures for that, instead of a delegate (or many other things)

func longAction(completion: () -> ()) {
    for index in veryLargeArray {
        // do something with veryLargeArray, which is extremely time-consuming
    completion() // notify the caller that the longAction is finished

//Or asynch version
func longAction(completion: () -> ()) {
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
        for elem in veryLargeArray {
            // do something with veryLargeArray, which is extremely time-consuming
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), {
            completion() // notify the caller that the longAction is finished

longAction { print("work done") }

In the example above, when you have a time consuming task, you want to know when the for loop finishes iterating through the very large array. You put the closure { println("work done") } as an input parameter for the function which will be executed after the for loop finishes its work, and print "work done". And what happened is that you gave a function (closure) to longAction and name it to completion, and that function will be executed when you call completion in longAction.

Sorted method works using closure.

About how sorted (probably) works: So the idea is, that sorted will go through the array, and compare two consecutive elements (i, i + 1) with each other, and swap them, if needed. What does it mean "if needed"? You provided the closure { (s1: String, s2: String) -> Bool in return s1 > s2 }, which will return true if s1 is greater than s2. And if that closure returned true, the sorted algorithm will swap those two elements, and continues this with the next two elements (i + 1, i + 2, if the end of the array is not reached). So basically you have to provide a closure for sorted which will tell "when" to swap to elements.

Understand Closure