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What is trailing closure?

 If the last parameter to a function is a closure, Swift lets you use special syntax called trailing closure syntax. Rather than pass in your closure as a parameter, you pass it directly after the function inside braces.

To demonstrate this, here’s our travel() function again. It accepts an action closure so that it can be run between two print() calls:

func travel(action: () -> Void) {

    print("I'm getting ready to go.")


    print("I arrived!")


Because its last parameter is a closure, we can call travel() using trailing closure syntax like this:

travel() {

    print("I'm driving in my car")


In fact, because there aren’t any other parameters, we can eliminate the parentheses entirely:

travel {

    print("I'm driving in my car")


Trailing closure syntax is extremely common in Swift, so it’s worth getting used to.


  1. This blog post on trailing closures is well-written and informative. The examples provided make it easy to understand how trailing closures can be used in Swift programming. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!
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