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Difference between assign and retain in iOS

In the context of memory management in programming, particularly in Objective-C (though less relevant in modern Swift), "assign" and "retain" are related to the property attributes used in the declaration of object properties.

  1. Assign:

    • In the context of Objective-C, the assign attribute is used for simple assignments and is often associated with primitive types or non-Objective-C objects.
    • When you declare a property with the assign attribute, you're saying that the property will just take the value assigned to it without affecting the reference counting of the object.

    • @property (assign) NSInteger someInteger;

    • For objects, assigning does not increase the retain count, so if the assigned object is deallocated elsewhere, you might end up with a dangling pointer.

  2. Retain:

    • The retain attribute, on the other hand, is used when you want to claim ownership of an object. It increases the retain count of the object, indicating that you want to keep a reference to it.
    @property (retain) NSString *name;

    • When using retain, it's your responsibility to release the object when you're done with it. This is crucial to avoid memory leaks.

    • [name release];

    • In modern Objective-C and Swift, Apple introduced Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), which essentially automates the reference counting process. In Swift, you generally use strong instead of retain, and the memory management is handled by the ARC.

In summary, the key difference is that assign is used for non-object types and doesn't affect the reference counting of objects, while retain (or strong in Swift) is used for objects, and it does increase the retain count, indicating ownership. With ARC in Swift, the need to manually specify assign or retain has diminished, as ARC takes care of many memory management tasks automatically.AI.

Difference between Swift Array and Objective C Array

Ans : Swift arrays (Array and for short, []) are passed by value which means
that every object contained will be copied.

NSArray are implemented as classes (and bridged from ObjC) so they're passed as references.

In Swift, we can declare three type of array.
One is Array or [],
Second is NSArray,
Third is NSMutableArray.

NSArray and NSMutableArray are coming from Objective C by bridge. So interviewer may ask what are difference between types arrays in swift?

Extract value from Array : 

Get 3rd Value from Array

Objective C : [arr objectAtIndex:2] // 2 due to index start from 0 in array

Swift : arr[2] 

Multi threading, GCD, Operation Queue

Ans : 

Thread : It is lightweight way to implement multiple paths of execution inside of an application.

2. Multi threading : iPhone CPU can only perform one operation at a time – once per clock cycle. Multi threading allows the processor to create concurrent threads it can switch between, so multiple tasks can be executed at the same time.

It appears as if the two threads are executed at the same time, because the processor switches rapidly between executing them. As a smartphone or desktop user, you don’t notice the switches because they occur so rapidly.

Multi threading allows a CPU to rapidly switch between multiple tasks in such a way that it appears as if the tasks are executed simultaneously.

You can’t update an app’s UI outside the main thread.

Race Condition  A race condition occurs when two tasks are executed concurrently, when they should be executed sequentially in order to be done correctly. You cant change view constraint while it is being calculated. So UI activity should be done in main thread so it is executed sequentially.

3. GCD : Grand Central Dispatch is a wrapper around creating threads and managing that code. Its emphasis is on dispatching. The Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is a is a low-level API provided by Apple. GCD is used for managing concurrent operations. GCD has lots of benefits like

– It improves application performance and responsiveness.
– The app will become more smooth.
– Execute multiple tasks at a time or one by one as per your requirements.
GCD operates at the system level, it is managing the resources in a balanced way for all running application.

GCD & Operation Queues help keep your app user interface responsive by running slow task of main queue.

low_level_C coding :

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
    // Download file or perform expensive task

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
        // Update the UI

Swift 3+ code : .userInitiated).async {
    // Download file or perform expensive task

    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // Update the UI

There are 4 qos - quality of service level (Priority) from higher to low :


Learn more about QOS

For delaying task :

let delay = + .seconds(60)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: delay) {
    // Dodge this!

Multi threading, GCD, Operation Queue

Ans : 

Thread : It is lightweight way to implement multiple paths of execution inside of an application.

2. Multi threading : iPhone CPU can only perform one operation at a time – once per clock cycle. Multi threading allows the processor to create concurrent threads it can switch between, so multiple tasks can be executed at the same time.

It appears as if the two threads are executed at the same time, because the processor switches rapidly between executing them. As a smartphone or desktop user, you don’t notice the switches because they occur so rapidly.

Multi threading allows a CPU to rapidly switch between multiple tasks in such a way that it appears as if the tasks are executed simultaneously.

You can’t update an app’s UI outside the main thread.

Race Condition  A race condition occurs when two tasks are executed concurrently, when they should be executed sequentially in order to be done correctly. You cant change view constraint while it is being calculated. So UI activity should be done in main thread so it is executed sequentially.

3. GCD : Grand Central Dispatch is a wrapper around creating threads and managing that code. Its emphasis is on dispatching.

low_level_C coding :

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
    // Download file or perform expensive task

    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
        // Update the UI

Swift 3+ code : .userInitiated).async {
    // Download file or perform expensive task

    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // Update the UI

There are 4 qos - quality of service level (Priority) from higher to low :


For delaying task :

let delay = + .seconds(60)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: delay) {
    // Dodge this!

4. Operation Queue : 

Operations in Swift are a powerful way to separate responsibilities over several classes while keeping track of progress and dependencies. They’re formally known as NSOperations and used in combination with the OperationQueue.

An Operation is typically responsible for a single synchronous task. It’s an abstract class and never used directly. You can make use of the system-defined BlockOperation subclass or by creating your own subclass. You can start an operation by adding it to an OperationQueue or by manually calling the start method. However, it’s highly recommended to give full responsibility to the OperationQueue to manage the state.

//Making use of the system-defined BlockOperation looks as follows:

let blockOperation = BlockOperation {

let queue = OperationQueue()
//And can also be done by adding the block directly on the queue:

queue.addOperation {

//The given task gets added to the OperationQueue that will start the execution as soon as possible.

Different states of an operation
An operation can be in several states, depending on its current execution status.
  • Ready: It’s prepared to start
  • Executing: The task is currently running
  • Finished: Once the process is completed
  • Canceled: The task canceled

Explain Apple push notification working

Ans : Push notifications allow developers to reach users and perform small tasks even when users aren’t actively using an app.

In iOS 10, User can do following task :

  • Display a short text message
  • Play a notification sound
  • Set a badge number on the app’s icon
  • Provide actions the user can take without opening the app
  • Show a media attachment
  • Be silent, allowing the app to wake up in the background and perform a task
Now following steps to follow to configure push notification :

1. Create app id in developer account with your app bundle id. Push notification entitlement must be enabled for this app id. (or another way for go to App Settings > Capabilities and enable push notification switch). You also have to create CSR(Certificate Signing Request) file from your keychain and assign to this app id push notification feature in developer account.

2. Now in terms of coding, first we need to ask to user for allowing user notification. After allowing, we need to register for remote notification. If all goes good, system provides you 'token' which is address of this app for this device.

3. In code, first import usernotification. Then for registering for remote notification, in didFnishLaunchingWithOptions

UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge])  {
    (granted, error) in
       print("Permission granted: \(granted)")
       guard granted else { return }


 func getNotificationSettings()  {
       UNUserNotificationCenter.current().getNotificationSettings { (settings) in
       print("Notification settings: \(settings)")
       guard settings.authorizationStatus == .authorized else { return }

4. If registered for remote notification successfully, then one of the following two method will be called,

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data)  {

       let tokenParts = { data -> String in
              return String(format: "%02.2hhx", data)

       let token = tokenParts.joined()
       print("Device Token: \(token)")

func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error)  {
  print("Failed to register: \(error)")

5. Device token is provided by APNS and this token will be converted to string. This device token shold be sent to application server or stored to database on server side.

Now lets study about payload or notification message,

Payload looks like :

  "aps": {
    "alert": "Breaking News!",
    "sound": "default",
    "link_url": ""

aps is fixed key in payload dictionary json. aps is also dictionary itself.

alert : Display text message
sound : Which sound when notification come
link_url : custom key, we can any such custom key for data
badge : number of count of badge that is displayed on app icon
category : which type of custom action notification have

Payload maximum size is 4096 kb (4 mb).

Now what when notification comes

1. If app is closed didFinishLaunchingWithOptions is called.
2. If open in background or foreground, then didReceiveRemoteNotification is called.

For 1st case,

In didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method
// Check if launched from notification

if let notification = launchOptions?[.remoteNotification] as? [String: AnyObject] {

  let aps = notification["aps"] as! [String: AnyObject]
  _ = NewsItem.makeNewsItem(aps)

  (window?.rootViewController as? UITabBarController)?.selectedIndex = 1

For 2nd case,

In didReceiveRemoteNotification,

let aps = userInfo["aps"] as! [String: AnyObject]
  _ = NewsItem.makeNewsItem(aps)

Actionable Notification

Actionable notifications let you add custom buttons to the notification. You can put reply,retweet,like button as you seen our favourite apps. This type of notification can be defined by Category.

In this type notification, we have to register category like following instead of UIApplication.shared.registerForRemoteNotifications().

func registerForPushNotifications() {
  UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) {
    (granted, error) in   
    print("Permission granted: \(granted)")
    guard granted else { return }
    // 1
    let viewAction = UNNotificationAction(identifier: viewActionIdentifier,
                                          title: "View",
                                          options: [.foreground])
    // 2
    let newsCategory = UNNotificationCategory(identifier: newsCategoryIdentifier,
                                              actions: [viewAction],
                                              intentIdentifiers: [],
                                              options: [])
    // 3

Above things is not enough for taking action on button. We have to add extension of UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.

Silent Notification 

If we want to do something task without knowing to user in background, then we can send silent notification to user device. For this background modes of push notification must be checked. For push notification aps, there is key named content-available. That's value should be 1 for silent notification.

For more detail, click here.

UIViewcontroller Lifecycle

Ans : A view controller manages set of views and making user interface. It will coordinate with data and other controller. Views are automatically loaded when view property is accessed in the app.
Following methods are used to mange view controller's view.

1. LoadView : It is automatically called when it's view property is accessed. It loads or create a view and assigned to property.

2. ViewDidLoad : It is automatically called when view controller completely loaded into memory. Override this method to perform additional initialization on views that were loaded from xib.
I.e instance variable initialization, database access, network request

Event Management to Views :

1. ViewWillAppear : It is called when View is about to added on view hierachy. If we want to change some, then we have to override this method.
Like change orientation, change screen data

2. ViewDidAppear : It is called when view was added on view's hierachy.
When we need to display loader, start UI animation ,then override this method.

3. ViewWillDisAppear : It is called when view is about to removed from hierachy. We can hide keyboard,  commit changes ,revert changes in this method by overriding.

4. ViewDidDisappear : It is called when view is removed from hierachy. We can remove cache data in this method.

Memmory Management method :
1. didReceiveMemoryWarning :
It is called automatically when system determine that the system has low amount of available memory.
Override this method remove not essential data from memory.

Ordering of excecuting methods :

1. Init(coder:)
2. (void)loadView
3. (void)viewDidLoad
4. (void)viewWillAppear
5. (void)viewDidAppear
6. (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
7. (void)viewWillDisappear
8. (void)viewDidDisappear