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Difference between synchronous and asynchronous calls in Objective-C

Ans : 

Synchronous :
This call means task will be executed in order.
Asynchronous : This call means task may or may not be executed in order.

When call is called synchronously, then thread that initiated that operation will be wait to current task to be finished.
When call is called asynchronously, then it will not wait.

If we want to do some task without harassing UI, we can do those tasks in background thread. This goal is to keep free main thread, so it continuously respond UI event. So we can dispatch our task in background state asynchronously.

So for do task in background thread, we will divide in 2 parts.

1. GCD - Grand Central Dispatch. By using GCD, you have to grab one of global background queue or create your own background queue.

// one of the global concurrent background queues
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);

// or you could create your own serial background queue:
// dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("", 0);

2. Dispatch your task to that queue asynchronously

dispatch_async(queue, ^{
    // task that to be done in background and it may be slow

The pattern for operation queues is very similar. Create an operation queue and add operations to that queue.

Lets see example :

Asynchronous call with Multithreading :

// Methods gets called in different thread and does not block the current thread.
[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:request
    ^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) {

Synchronous call with Multithreading (not so useful):

//Do something
dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
    //Do something else // work in another queue or thread

//Do some more task

Difference between thread-safe and non-thread-safe in iOS

Ans : 

Thread-Unsafe -> If any object allow to modify by more than one thread at the same time.  (non-atomic property is thread-unsafe. Comments are welcomed)

Thread-safe -> If any object not allow to modify by more than one thread at the same time.Immutable objects are generally thread-safe. (atomic property attribute type. Comments are  welcomed)

In general, immutable classes like NSArray, let are thread-safe, while their mutable variants like NSMutableArray,var are thread-unsafe.

Which type of encryption you have used in iOS App?

Ans : I have used trippleDES for passing data in request to server.

NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dicPostDict options:kNilOptions error:&error];

 NSString *strJsonData=[[NSString alloc] initWithData:jsonData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

 NSData *encryptedJsonString = [CommonMethods tripleDesEncryptString:strJsonData  key:@"2-055PL&okjnnhkey@inihgr" error:nil];
 NSString *strencryptedJsonString = [encryptedJsonString base64Encoding];

Access controls in Swift

Ans : 

Access controls
keyword enables you to hide the implementation details of your code, and to specify a preferred interface through which that code can be accessed and used.

Swift 3, Swift 4

There are 5 access controls.
1. open (most accessible, least restrictive)
2. public
3. internal (default)
4. fileprivate
5. private (least accessible, more restrictive)

1. open : It enable entity to be used in and outside of defining module and also other module. UIButton, UITableView is in UIKit. We import UIKit and make subclass of UITableView and use in our module in which we have imported UIKit. So tableview subclass of UITableView defined in UIKit is used in our module. Sot it is accessible in our module.

open class UITableView : UIScrollView, NSCoding { }

2. public : open allows us to subclass from another module. public allows us to subclass or override from within module in which it defined.

//module X
public func A(){}
open func B(){}

//module Y
override func A(){} // error
override func B(){} // success

So open class and class members can be accessible and overridden in which it is defined and also in which module it is imported.
public class and class members can be accessible and overridden only in which it is defined.

3. internal : Internal classes and members can be accessed anywhere within the same module(target) they are defined. You typically use internal-access when defining an app’s or a framework’s internal structure.

4. fileprivate : Restricts the use of an entity to its defining file. It is used to hide implementation details when details are used in entire file. fileprivate method is only accessible from that swift file in which it is defined.

5. private : Restricts the use of an entity to the enclosing declaration and to extension of that swift file or class. It is used to hide single block implementation. private entity can be accessible in swift 4 but it gives error in swift 3.

MVC in iOS

Ans : The main goal of MVC pattern is separate data/logic, view and controller. There are 3 layers.

1. Model : Models are representation of your app's data. There is user class or struct. So it has fields like name, birthdate, etc. It is data reside in Model layer.

2. View : It is object which user can see and interact with. UILabel showing text is one kind of view.

3. Controller : Controller mediates between Model and View. It takes data from model and show on views and also update model when user interacts with view.

File Structure :

MVC File Structure

Understand MVC using UITableView